Thanks for dropping by on this Easter Monday edition of Monday Giggles.
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies and whoever lives and believes in me will never die John 11:25
May you be blessed with the knowledge that Jesus has risen and has given you Life.
Hope you have had a fab Easter Winnie. Weather here has been super so we have been really spoilt but the prediction for later in the week isn't so good (grrrr, just when we have another long weekend to look forward to).
Hope you have had a fab Easter Winnie. Weather here has been super so we have been really spoilt but the prediction for later in the week isn't so good (grrrr, just when we have another long weekend to look forward to).
Toni xx
LOL, imagine what would have happened if the angel had said 'boo'
Hope you have had a good Easter weekend - love the Monday giggles :) xx
And some people think we Christians have no sense of humor, LOL! Great cartoon. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog!
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