Thursday, 25 August 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Just sneaking this weeks' Thankful Thursday post at the last minute (it's 5 mins to midnight right now). I know I missed last week's Thankful Thursday - last week was a bit of a difficult week and I must admit that was hard come up with anything I was thankful for. In hindsight though, there was lots of things I could have been thankful for, but there you have it.

Anyway, back to what I'm thankful for today:

Jasmine had her first immunisation shots this week. Unfortunately I couldn't get any photos as I was holding Jasmine at the time and Gus had gone back to the house to get something and missed the whole event! Nevertheless, I still have the memory. :D

Jasmine had one oral injection and two needles, one in each thigh. I was so proud of her as she was soooo good with all three injections. The oral one she took without any issue, and apart from a short scream from the initial pain of the needles, she settled really quickly and forgot all about it within minutes!

We were given both a pep talk and a handout about the possible reactions she could develop from the injections, so we braced ourselves for what was to come. It was a big relief to find that today, two days later, the only reaction she really had was just being sleepy for the 24 hours following the injections. She had a very slight swelling on one thigh, but it didn't seem to bother her.

So I'm thankful that we've passed this hurdle without any hassle at all!

Is there something that you're thankful for today? Let me know!



Amanda said...

So pleased to hear it all went well. I'm thankful that I have tomorrow off work and here in the UK it's a Bank Holiday weekend (even if it looks like it will rain the whole time!)

misteejay said...

Glad all went well.

I'm thankful for a long weekend approaching and the fact my niece will be visiting soon.

Toni xx

Sian said...

I'm glad you got that over with! It's not much fun I know.

We're thankful for great exam results and a son who is looking forward to the Sixth Form

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I always think it's worse for Mum than baby! You're glad to get it over and done with I'm sure xx

I'm thankful that it didn't hammer down with rain, until the kids got out of the pool at Splashdown. At least they were already wet!

chan said...

I am super thankful for wonderful friends and them beng brave for their baby's needles :)
Miss you!!

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